full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Dolly Chugh: How to let go of being a "good" person -- and become a better person

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So let me give you an example of bounded ecthtilaiy at work. Unconscious bias is one place where we see the effects of bounded ethicality. So unoiusnccos bias refers to anosatsiiocs we have in our mind, the shortcuts your brain is using to organize information, very likely outside of your asrawnees, not necessarily lining up with your conscious beliefs. Researchers Nosek, bnajai and Greenwald have looked at data from millions of people, and what they've found is, for example, most wtihe Americans can more quickly and easily associate white pploee and good things than black people and good things, and most men and women can more quickly and ealsiy associate men and secince than women and science. And these associations don't necessarily line up with what people consciously think. They may have very egalitarian views, in fact. So sometimes, that 11 million and that 40 just don't line up.

Open Cloze

So let me give you an example of bounded __________ at work. Unconscious bias is one place where we see the effects of bounded ethicality. So ___________ bias refers to ____________ we have in our mind, the shortcuts your brain is using to organize information, very likely outside of your _________, not necessarily lining up with your conscious beliefs. Researchers Nosek, ______ and Greenwald have looked at data from millions of people, and what they've found is, for example, most _____ Americans can more quickly and easily associate white ______ and good things than black people and good things, and most men and women can more quickly and ______ associate men and _______ than women and science. And these associations don't necessarily line up with what people consciously think. They may have very egalitarian views, in fact. So sometimes, that 11 million and that 40 just don't line up.


  1. ethicality
  2. white
  3. science
  4. awareness
  5. banaji
  6. unconscious
  7. easily
  8. associations
  9. people

Original Text

So let me give you an example of bounded ethicality at work. Unconscious bias is one place where we see the effects of bounded ethicality. So unconscious bias refers to associations we have in our mind, the shortcuts your brain is using to organize information, very likely outside of your awareness, not necessarily lining up with your conscious beliefs. Researchers Nosek, Banaji and Greenwald have looked at data from millions of people, and what they've found is, for example, most white Americans can more quickly and easily associate white people and good things than black people and good things, and most men and women can more quickly and easily associate men and science than women and science. And these associations don't necessarily line up with what people consciously think. They may have very egalitarian views, in fact. So sometimes, that 11 million and that 40 just don't line up.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
good person 10
bounded ethicality 6
bounded rationality 4
human mind 3
slippery business 2
person identity 2
million pieces 2
processed consciously 2
unconscious bias 2
easily associate 2
small gift 2
ethical implications 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
good person identity 2

Important Words

  1. americans
  2. associate
  3. associations
  4. awareness
  5. banaji
  6. beliefs
  7. bias
  8. black
  9. bounded
  10. brain
  11. conscious
  12. consciously
  13. data
  14. easily
  15. effects
  16. egalitarian
  17. ethicality
  18. fact
  19. give
  20. good
  21. greenwald
  22. information
  23. line
  24. lining
  25. looked
  26. men
  27. million
  28. millions
  29. mind
  30. necessarily
  31. nosek
  32. organize
  33. people
  34. place
  35. quickly
  36. refers
  37. researchers
  38. science
  39. shortcuts
  40. unconscious
  42. white
  43. women
  44. work